Rain..rain.. rain and more rain, like theres no tomorrow.. screw this festive season of rain.. and aint gonna stop until practically next year. its still raining outside like fuck even as im typing here. seriously the drains are all flooded, pavements, the roads (refer to above picture). how to go christmas shopping like this? the weather is being persistence in keeping us wet and cold.
just a few hrs ago, i had to let the rain danced around and above me for 12mins or so cos no money take bus home. after the final CT, kinda lucky i won the grand prize of.... a huge cup + saucer. but it shud worth the prize exchange rate. cheers!
i kinda like this song here, but the rap part pisses me off. and the singer is weirdly hot.
tenth planet by F.I.R.
~a teardrop in the rain is worth a thousand year's love.